Radiant Dawn characters with slowest support speeds with each other


Characters have different support speeds with each other in Radiant Dawn, and I think it’s interesting because characters with the slowest support speed actually can *lose* supports with each other, via shoving, whereas that gains support at other speeds. (At a second-slowest support speed, the support is not affected by shoving.)

A lot of these involve Oliver…


Oliver/Lethe (understandable)

Oliver/Muarim (Muarim is a former slave and Oliver did purchase a laguz at one point, so…)

Oliver/Naesala (the Blood Pact forced him to sell Reyson to Oliver, so yeah, no surprise there)


Oliver/Nealuchi (probably for similar reasons as Oliver/Naesala)

Oliver/Reyson (duh)



Oliver/Tormod (Tormod was fighting against slavery so)


Janaff/Naesala (notable because Tibarn and Ulki have only a second-slowest support speed with Naesala. Janaff does NOT forgive easily, I guess)

Soren/Nasir (I was confused about this until I remembered the time Nasir was willing to blackmail Soren. So. Soren only has a second-slowest support speed with the other dragons. Make of that what you will.)

Soren/Shinon (notable because Shinon only has a second-slowest support speed with Ike)


the concept of love PEAKED at ike/soren like you 3 year old mchanzo stans..with your “its just a game we ship crack pairs if what we want and theyre gay” you dont know what it was like in the early 2000s when 2 men could be so blatantly in love but 90% of the straight fandom denies any connection and instead pairs them off with 2 women they barely talk to 😔 i sacrificed so much for gamer gay rights when i was 10 years old