I want to see an au rewrite that actually goes a few more mature places with the story and pregnant nives has to come in and save her sisters from being brainwashed or something

look at this point I’m almost riled up enough to rewrite this whole fucking series in a gloriously extra fanfic so you know. 

there’s a lot of really good bones here that I think could be made much more mature and much more interesting and it wouldn’t even take that much work! And it wouldn’t even really be removing from its age range either, since it’s for like 10-13yo.

We’ll see what Mai Nominata is going to do with Samah but wouldn’t it be awesome to have her come back as a witch?

anyway I can’t believe Tea is doing this to me again.

Nives is on the cover of this book and it’s still not about her! TEA. TEA WHY.

Stop making Nives a background character I’m begging you.