Kira Kira:

I think it’s pretty interesting that there’s a thread in this show (which I don’t really see all that often) about how negative feelings aren’t only normal, but they’re okay. And a counterpoint, too, that one act of kindness won’t make up for years of bad treatment but that doesn’t mean you should give up on people.

I love the fact that they haven’t been able to “cure” anyone of having negative thoughts, not really. It certainly didn’t work for Julio or Bibury. Aoi says that she should use her jealousy to make her music better (as a creator myself: yes!). I don’t really remember how Ichika’s loneliness was handled since that episode was a while ago but I think that fell in line too.

And then there’s Yukari who has a whole host of bad habits and probably like, depression, and they just accept her and let her do things in her own way.

Anyway it’s really important and I like it. Also I guess we’re getting a new string of character episodes which is great! And it gives us a little bit of a break from you-know-who (this is too positive I don’t need to get rude here).

So like….why is Kira Kira turning into the Ciel show? Like I legit hate her but I could at least tolerate her if she just became part of the team not the new leader (????????)

I still stand by my opinion that she doesn’t fucking deserve to be a precure at all and who thinks for one second that her feelings about Bibury are legit? She’s probably just projecting because of Julio (WHO DIDN’T FUCKING DESERVE WHAT HE GOT I’M MAD)

She’s really insidious and anyway I’m more and more disgusted by her every episode. Thank god the other characters are all enjoyable, even the villains, or I would honestly stop watching because of her, that’s how much I hate her.

I still can’t believe that episode actually fucking happened it feels like a fever dream

I don’t even care that it wasn’t entirely mutual (though Yukari saying something was exciting/interesting is probably the closest we’d ever get to a confession from her) b/c they’re still like…14. Just the fact that Akira gets to be a cute butch magical girl with a costume that matches and have a crush on a girl is enough for me honestly because they didn’t skirt around

we really did just get an openly gay love confession and man! that whole episode!



Anyway I like the fact that the magic power doesn’t just fix him, he’s still angry and sad because hey, even magical girls can’t fix crippling depression!

I don’t like that Ciel makes it all about her, like selfish people do, or that she gets to be Precure. Granted, I knew she was gonna be but my previous points about her still stand that she doesn’t have the personality for it and plain doesn’t deserve it (Julio should be precure!!!!)

Also her design is a mess girl work on that

And I love that the one person who isn’t immediately magically fixed gets to “die” JULIO DESERVES BETTER

anyway he’s probably my favorite villain in any magical girl show I’ve seen so there’s that. I wish the emotional arc of that last episode could have been drawn out a bit longer.

Anyway, Kira Kira (below the cut because spoilers)

I didn’t like Ciel/Kirarin much to begin with. She’s kind of a snooty bitch, in as much as any character in this show can be either of those things. But especially now I just…oh I don’t like her.

There are two qualities that go hand-in-hand with the ability to use kirakiraru, as far as I can see it. The most important is empathy, and less important but still sort of present is introspection. The precures have both (with the exception of Yukari who has high empathy and no introspection – something that she shares with Julio/Pikario).

Somehow, Kirarin is lacking both of these qualities. In her speech before she said she wanted to make the world happy with her sweets but that’s a lie. Maybe she wanted that originally, but that’s not what’s driving her now. She makes technically perfect food and people seem impressed by it’s beauty. But there’s no actual heart there – whatever kirakiraru she has comes from her ambition and her good use of ingredients. She is also incapable of recognizing the kirakirau of others. Like with the bear pancakes. She can see that there’s lots of kirakiraru but she can’t understand it. She just says “they’re perfectly ordinary pancakes!” because she has no empathy whatsoever. And she doesn’t have the introspective skill that would let her know she went off track and lost all her heart. She might get better now since she’s realized how much she’s lacking, but it took Ichika to show her that.

As for Pikario, there’s nothing wrong with his baking, really. He’s certainly no worse off than Ichika was. And he is definitely capable of baking with kirakiraru. It’s unfortunate that the recipient was Kirarin, who has no ability to appreciate him and that led to all of the bad stuff which I totally get. I like his backstory a lot. I feel bad for him, and I also understand where he’s coming from. It seems a completely natural result from his situation. And man, I know Kirarin will end up being a precure too but I really wish it could be him instead because he deserves it way more.

I really can’t think of a worse person to be a precure than Kirarin. So…boo.

Kira Kira is so good honestly. It’s so nice to have a magic girl show that’s so “narrow” in scope. It’s so small and comfortable, I love it.

Plus all the characters are incredible and they’re so loving and supportive of each other I just !!!!!!!!!

The girls all have their flaws and their issues and they reward each other for every step of progress made in the right direction but they don’t try to force each other to change, because that wouldn’t accomplish anything. Even the “mascot” character is like??? I love her??? She’s so kind and sweet.

I love these dumb children who just want to bake sweets and love each other and sometimes have to save the city but just. Have so much fun! Doing it!

I love Ichika who is so energetic and happy and she loves people so much and just wants everyone to be as happy as she is and she connects all of these different people together and whenever she starts doubting herself they all come rising up to save her just because they love her.

I love Himari who is so shy and loves sweets and science and has finally found a group of people who actually encourage her instead of shutting her down so now she can open up even more and try new things with their support! And that they teach her how to get her love and passion across to laypeople who don’t know about baking and she just glows.

I love Aoi who is so fearsome and fearless even though she has this inner-family struggle going on she just really wants to be herself and she does it so well and she somehow manages to balance family duties with her band with her baking friends with saving the world with school and makes it look so effortless.

I love Yukari who is so closed off and reserved but finally – finally – found a group of people who appreciate her for being human as opposed to putting her on this pedestal of perfection. And maybe she does slack off and sit around looking pretty while the others work but they don’t care because they know that she does a lot of work on her own and also that when they need her she’ll be there come hell or high water.

I love Akira who is this great knight/big sister figure who just wants to help others and no job is too small and she doesn’t even have to know the person. She’ll do anything to take care of others and help them achieve their dreams and she’s just….so incredible and supportive! And the girls give her an outlet for that like she can’t help her sister but she can help them and by god she will do it.

And sometimes the battle is saving the whole city and sometimes the battle is getting your feelings across to one single person and it doesn’t matter which it is because they’ll go into it wholeheartedly and when they get the results they just celebrate everything.

A happy show, every week I just feel so warm and fuzzy about it.