I just love Kira Kira so much *gross sobbing*


a show that says not only are dark thoughts/feelings normal, but that they’re okay

a show that has multiple characters with either depression or depression like symptoms…and it treats that as normal too and they have friends that love them and support them

a show that addresses the fact that recovering from Being In A Bad Way is long and hard but worth the effort, that even a magical girl can’t wave a wand and fix everything, but that it takes consistent human effort and human kindness….and that these things should always be given even when there does not appear to be results right away

a show that is consistently about empathy, emotional introspection, and above all love and support but presented in very normal and varied ways…

a show that focuses on all of the characters and that they have different types of relationships and fulfill different needs for each other, and none of these types are better or lesser than any other

a show where characters do fail and do move backwards, but shows that no matter how many times you stumble it doesn’t matter as long as you keep trying to move forward

Kira Kira Precure a la Mode is so fucking good you guys. It is so fucking good in so many ways, it is an absolute gift to society.

Not perfect, because nothing can be perfect, but I love it so much. Kira Kira is not a dark show. It does not go to the lengths that say, PGSM does. But it still manages to be very emotional and very touching and it’s just. I don’t really use words like “wholesome” but it is a wholesome show.

also I already miss Kira Kira……Heather and I finally watched the final episode this week and contemplating life without that to go back to is just a little bit emptier…

It really was the best, most well-rounded magical girl show I’ve ever watched.

okay so here’s some more introspection about Akira because I’m lame:

(under the cut because Spoilers I guess)

I don’t think Akira can be a doctor. 

She’s smart and caring enough, certainly. But in a lot of ways, Akira is the weakest of the girls. I don’t think she can handle being a doctor. A doctor (and especially a researcher!!) needs to be able to accept failure, to accept that they can only do their best but they can’t save everyone, to be able to make difficult decisions.

All of this is fundamentally against Akira’s character, which she so stubbornly refuses to change even a little. She is not capable of being this responsible.

My roommate, not normally known for her analytical skills, even picked up on it saying “I think if something really happened to Miku, Akira would never recover”.

I agree. 

I don’t think Akira has the emotional strength to follow this path. I don’t like this ending for her. I can’t see it as anything other than an inevitably self-destructive spiral. 

I can see it as a logical conclusion to her character arc, but I just cannot see it as a good thing. This is bad end Akira, unless she somehow manages to learn all of the lessons she’s been so stubbornly avoiding and I don’t think it’s in her idiom to do so, to borrow a phrase from another silly knight figure.

So far, Akira is the only one who’s had negative character growth which I find both sad and very, very interesting.

So the conclusion of Akira’s character arc is..mmm

on the one hand it’s kind of like “cool you learned nothing you useless lesbian” (I love Akira) but on the other hand I appreciate the fact that she’s so clearly built this ‘hero persona’ in her head and she relies on it so completely…

I think that an actual internal struggle with Akira learning that she can do things just…because she wants to do them and not to be this Heroic Figure would be really interesting (but too complex for a show where she’s not the main character)

In any case I think that’s why she and Yukari play off so well together in which one is almost completely selfless and the other almost completely selfish and they still encourage each other to be better

(Yukari’s episode is next week and I. AM. EXCITE.)

Anyway still a very good episode and a logical conclusion to her character even if it’s not personally what I wanted to see, I understand and appreciate where it came from)

I have less to say about the Aoi and Himari episodes but honestly! That ending for Aoi was so sweet!!! I love seeing all this shit wrap up but I’m also sad that means the show is almost complete.

anyway my favorite thing about Kira Kira is the continually reinforced acknowledgement that everyone has darkness in them and that it doesn’t go away just because someone waves a magic wand – it takes work, real work, hard, emotional work outside of being a magical girl and our girls are always willing to put in that work whether it’s for each other, or lost souls like Julio and Bibury, or even bigger, badder villains

Alright guys where’s the gif for Yukari landing in Akira’s arms? I’m a bit surprised I haven’t seen a gif for that yet also I’m still dying about

Akira: You have lots of good qualities and people like you.

Yukari: Can’t relate.

Also Yukari is so over-dramatic like yeah I get being depressed but I never went outside to suffer quietly by a beautiful lake while wearing a cute gown with a matching parasol what even is this girl I love her

also oh my god this week’s Kira Kira episode I am Dying

A+ job on the episode and also on mostly cutting out whatshername because she has no place here.

I’m super excited for next week’s as well!