Oh yeah I mean, look at Van. He’s dear to my heart but is absolutely just gay tragedy porn. A product of what was unusual representation at the time perhaps, but still. In addition to the other concerns like not doing anything better in recent works.

Right. I mean for the time it was decent! It was, at least, present. And growing up I really latched onto them for that reason, but you want stuff like that to continue to grow with you and it just hasn’t. She’s still alive though so you can always say maybe. Me being me I would really want to see her do a lesbian couple in the Elemental Masters series because gay fairy tales are Always Good.

comradewodka replied to your post  “�� about mercedes lackey books, �� about mythological creatures (NOT the…”

I’ve never considered the dragon thing but hey why not, consider it
canon now that femmy don’t drank.

As for Elf man… yeah it’s just shallow lol he’s a pretty elf dude/one
of the characters who’s actually old enough to objectify. I’m no
stranger to weird adoption of relatively minor characters myself! But
yaint wrong


I know part of it too is that the designs were available for a long time before the show came out. (also obviously I also have a habit of latching onto the most minor characters too!)

🔥 about mercedes lackey books, 🔥 about mythological creatures (NOT the one we already know about unicorns), 🔥 about uhhhhhhh anything you know that I like but dont necessarily follow closely yourself?

Oh, good ones!

Mercedes Lackey: While her inclusion of gay characters was and still is important to me, now that I’m an adult it does seem more than a little fetishy especially because there are lot’s of beautiful gay men~ but only one lesbian couple in the whole Valdemar series, and they’re side characters anyway. In her newer works the gay representation also seems to have disappeared other than being mentioned off-hand (and it being set in the past is no excuse.) She does a lot better than the vast majority of fantasy authors but it hasn’t evolved enough over time to be acceptable to me.

Mythical creatures: I’m not really sure if this is controversial or just weird but if you have a dragon character they should not be able to drink alcohol in my opinion (even in human form) b/c dragons are reptiles -> cold blooded -> alcohol lowers your body temperature. That’s how I write them, at least!

I don’t know very much about the stuff you follow so I’m gonna go with Dragon Prince and do a minorly controversial opinion: why is everyone so interested in drawing the one elf dude? He has like no personality. All he does is be an ass and then get imprisoned. He says like 15 lines in the whole show. I’m not that into it anyway but there are better characters to draw.

comradewodka replied to your post “I’m not saying that every modern anime looks bad or ugly that would be…”

It sincerely depends. I think part of it is that the industry’s expanded which means we have to sift through a lot of stiff mediocre derivative stuff to find the ones with character, but there’s still incredible stuff going on in its own way. I do miss certain things about the retro styles though for sure, even though plenty of those were also not actually well done either haha

I mean yeah, part of it is that there’s so much to choose from. And this wasn’t a vague post about any specific anime or w/e.

I just mean for each clump of years in anime you can kind of boil them down to a “general generic” anime style and I don’t like the sort of generic anime these days. But more than that, there’s differences in the way shows are animated and the sort of focus that they put on certain types scenes (I was already talking about that with @hakbot a week or so ago and I don’t really want to get into it again here)

But as I said also, I think due to it becoming more popular/maintstream we’re not only getting access to more anime but also access to anime with much better stories than there used to be. The standards are higher. So that’s something too.

comradewodka replied to your post “alright well corporate is sending ominous emails about proper uses of…”

Uh oh it’s the popo…. don’t worry it’s PROBABLY some old idiot man watching porn in his office but they might be more vigilant for a bit so, for the best to behave


possibly also has to do with them getting bought out so we all have to be on our best behavior

don’t worry I won’t put my tumblr convos over my job security ahahha

comradewodka replied to your photo “I spent the entire show waiting for this exact moment and let me tell…”

What the fuck is this show are extremely beautiful muppets being rude to each other


it’s basically a fantasy-anime type show but with a bunch of astonishingly beautiful puppets (most of whom are assholes) it’s absolutely fantastic.

Seriously even if the show wasn’t good (it is) and the characters weren’t hilarious (they are) just the amount of effort that went into the way they move would make it worth watching.