I just love Kira Kira so much *gross sobbing*


a show that says not only are dark thoughts/feelings normal, but that they’re okay

a show that has multiple characters with either depression or depression like symptoms…and it treats that as normal too and they have friends that love them and support them

a show that addresses the fact that recovering from Being In A Bad Way is long and hard but worth the effort, that even a magical girl can’t wave a wand and fix everything, but that it takes consistent human effort and human kindness….and that these things should always be given even when there does not appear to be results right away

a show that is consistently about empathy, emotional introspection, and above all love and support but presented in very normal and varied ways…

a show that focuses on all of the characters and that they have different types of relationships and fulfill different needs for each other, and none of these types are better or lesser than any other

a show where characters do fail and do move backwards, but shows that no matter how many times you stumble it doesn’t matter as long as you keep trying to move forward

Kira Kira Precure a la Mode is so fucking good you guys. It is so fucking good in so many ways, it is an absolute gift to society.

Not perfect, because nothing can be perfect, but I love it so much. Kira Kira is not a dark show. It does not go to the lengths that say, PGSM does. But it still manages to be very emotional and very touching and it’s just. I don’t really use words like “wholesome” but it is a wholesome show.

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