in my rewrite of Principesse certain things would happen:

-The “wise king” would just not be there. Just not at all.

-The queen and Diamante would both get actual personalities.

-Kalea is a lesbian and Naehu is gay I’m here for that Kalea/Thiare and Naehu/Kaliq content

-Canon bisexual disaster nameless prince 

-every antagonist is allowed to actually try to do evil things instead of just talking about how evil they are and maybe fucking up a little bit of shit

-bigger populations? how few people are in this world

-more realistic travel and timelines

-how does the royal family tree work? I’m gonna fucking figure it out


some things would stay the same:

-Mai Nominata’s emotional abuse and control over the witches, and also the witches being sabotaged by their own pasts

-the fact that the princesses often lose in these battles because not every kid’s book has to work out every time (props to Tea for that)

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