okay so here’s some more introspection about Akira because I’m lame:

(under the cut because Spoilers I guess)

I don’t think Akira can be a doctor. 

She’s smart and caring enough, certainly. But in a lot of ways, Akira is the weakest of the girls. I don’t think she can handle being a doctor. A doctor (and especially a researcher!!) needs to be able to accept failure, to accept that they can only do their best but they can’t save everyone, to be able to make difficult decisions.

All of this is fundamentally against Akira’s character, which she so stubbornly refuses to change even a little. She is not capable of being this responsible.

My roommate, not normally known for her analytical skills, even picked up on it saying “I think if something really happened to Miku, Akira would never recover”.

I agree. 

I don’t think Akira has the emotional strength to follow this path. I don’t like this ending for her. I can’t see it as anything other than an inevitably self-destructive spiral. 

I can see it as a logical conclusion to her character arc, but I just cannot see it as a good thing. This is bad end Akira, unless she somehow manages to learn all of the lessons she’s been so stubbornly avoiding and I don’t think it’s in her idiom to do so, to borrow a phrase from another silly knight figure.

So far, Akira is the only one who’s had negative character growth which I find both sad and very, very interesting.

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