sm fancast of thoroughly modern millie?


Ooooh, yes! A 1920s New York flapper AU for Sailor Moon is what the world needs. This is one I haven’t seen in a while, so forgive any details I’m getting wrong. 

Millie: Minako NOT JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO SEE HER IN A FLAPPER DRESS AND A BOB HAIRCUT ok partially that but she’s so motivated and stubborn and she’s going to BE A STAR

Dorothy: Ami, she’s like the exact opposite of Millie but they get along so well and no one knows how. also Minako trying to form Ami into her confident image would be hilarious that is all

Jimmy the paperclip salesman: Honestly this just has Haruka written all over it.

Mrs. Meers and her lackeys: Definitely Beryl and the Shittennou… literally their whole gig is a fake business meant to abduct young girls and the Dark Kingdom kind of has a monopoly on that market

Trevor the big business man: Probably one of the Shittennou, not really in a villainous sense, just in a This Is The Wrong Man sense. I’m thinking Nephrite because out of all of them he takes himself WAY too seriously when it’s not warranted

Muzzy: Mayyyybe Usagi? Just a warmhearted hopeless romantic who wants her friends to achieve their dreams

The girls who end up get kidnapped: Tuxedo Mask The rest of the senshi

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